Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Achievements This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 91% 396 2,881 17,820 389 16 266 25
Backgrounds This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 80% 5,006 25,027 144,174 4,910 1,269 173 50
Challenge This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 93% 215 2,870 18,754 187 58 30 2
Character This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 97% 136 561 3,141 94 209 47 24
Communityguidelines This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 66% 888 25,215 169,438 180 837 40 9
Content This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 94% 584 1,461 7,722 541 411 32 23
Contrib This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 95% 61 509 4,602 6 108 9 6
Death This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 0 0 0 0 7 4 1
Defaulttasks This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 97% 45 312 1,668 17 44 10 2
Faq This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 33% 4,718 136,301 802,705 4,561 189 136 1
Front This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 93% 327 6,865 43,674 187 554 109 24
Gear This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 70% 27,387 408,654 2,440,429 27,216 11,547 135 146
Generic This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 90% 651 5,156 32,205 572 409 41 19
Groups This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 80% 2,492 23,160 147,862 1,498 2,275 50 14
Inventory This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 99% 1 3 13 1 5 4 0
Limited This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 73% 2,071 13,622 84,104 1,860 588 83 101
Loginincentives This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 96% 25 173 1,188 10 36 0 0
Merch This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Messages This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 95% 69 564 3,393 52 76 21 2
Noscript This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Npc This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 90% 356 7,214 43,767 184 601 35 9
Overview This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 84% 35 3,979 32,492 12 33 6 1
Pets This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 92% 254 3,898 22,985 122 302 78 12
Quests This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 93% 190 1,904 10,726 155 183 11 7
Questscontent This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 83% 3,804 142,437 869,550 2,899 4,793 49 82
Rebirth This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 96% 15 639 4,010 7 26 2 0
Settings 75% 1,820 18,264 115,834 1,440 654 119 29
Spells This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 99% 6 72 410 2 69 8 5
Subscriber This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 70% 2,220 13,956 90,657 1,865 857 237 47
Tasks This component is linked to the Habitica/Settings repository. 97% 115 844 5,093 99 202 18 25
Glossary Habitica 90% 949 3,188 19,439 947 0 136 17


Project website
Instructions for translators

Habitica’s translations are done by our community of contributors from around the world!

Are you fluent in a language and want to contribute? Here are some instructions and common questions to introduce you to Habitica’s community translation process.

How is Habitica’s text translated?
As an open-source app, Habitica hosts our translations publicly here, at which is where contributors can submit, discuss, and review translations.

Translatable text is called a string. Source strings are provided in English, uploaded to, then translated into different languages for web, Android, and iOS by contributors. Approved translations will populate to the platforms they were submitted to after periodic updates by the Habitica team. This usually happens about once a month for the web version, or alongside mobile milestone releases for Android and iOS.

How do I contribute translations?

  1. Create an account on
  2. Choose a Project (web, Android, iOS), a language, and a Component (section of the app)
  3. To view strings that need translation, select one of the red string categories such as “Untranslated Strings”
  4. Navigate between strings with the arrow buttons to find a source string you want to translate
  5. Type your translation then save for someone to review. This may take some time as reviewers are contributors just like you

The translation platform we use, Weblate, also has more in depth guidance on how to use the platform in their documentation.

How do translations stay consistent?
We have a glossary of standard translations to reference. When you view a string, look to the right column to reference corresponding words from the language’s glossary.

How do I change a translation that’s already been reviewed?
When you have an idea for a better translation for a reviewed string, provide your translation then hit "Suggest".

What are the symbols I see in translatable text?
Words between <% %> symbols are variables used to insert information from the code. These variables shouldn’t be translated or edited in any way. You can translate everything around the variable and shift its position to fit your language’s grammar. When translating a string that has this, we recommend copy and pasting the code into your translation, as mistyping a letter or symbol can cause issues in the app.

How do I collaborate with other translators?
You can start discussions on the translation website from the “Comments” tab under each string. Alternatively, you can work with other translators through Habitica in Guilds, direct messages, and Party chat, or connect in unofficial spaces outside of Habitica.

Who do I contact if I’m having issues with the translation site?
Technical issues with can be reported to <>.

I don’t see my language listed for all platforms, or at all?
We do our best to support as many languages as we can, but since we are a very small team you may find a particular language isn’t offered. As of now, we aren’t planning to support additional languages. Languages that are partially translated now may become available within Habitica when it reaches a high percentage of strings translated.

What role does the Habitica team play in translation?
Our small team of seven aren’t experts on every language, but we do create the source English strings. We evaluate contributor tiers and appoint language reviewers based on past contributions. Source strings may change from time to time as we adjust the experience of an existing feature or add new features. While we don’t play an active role in each language’s translations, we can step in if necessary to help resolve disagreements.

How are contributor tiers awarded for translation?
After submitting translations for Habitica, you may get a contributor tier to acknowledge your help! Tiers change the color of your display name, add a badge after your name in messages, award you Gems, and display in the Hall of Heroes.

Tiers for help with translation are awarded:

  • After your first substantive contribution
  • After 1, 3, 6 months, and 1 year of contributions
  • Later tiers may be offered for 2+ years of contributions

If you meet these conditions, complete the Translation Badge Application form to let us know about your contribution. Tier requests are usually processed once every month and are awarded at the Habitica team’s discretion based on translation quality, complexity, and time spent.

How do I become a reviewer for my language?
In order to become a reviewer, you should:

  • Have 2+ translation tiers for the language you want to review
  • Know how to use our translation website’s functions efficiently
  • Work well with others and be open to discussion
  • Follow official guidance and respect language-specific best practices

If you meet these conditions, complete the Translation Reviewer Application form and reach out to us at <> to let us know you’d like to become a reviewer for a specific language. After reviewing, a member of our team will reach out to you with our decision.

Most important of all, have fun! These translations make Habitica accessible to a wider variety of people and we're extremely thankful for that. Habitica helps players improve their lives every day and we hope offering more languages will help even more people achieve their goals.

Project maintainers User avatar SabreCat User avatar eilatan User avatar beffymaroo User avatar saraolson
Translation license proprietary Achievements Backgrounds Challenge Character Communityguidelines Content Contrib Death Defaulttasks Faq Front Gear Generic Groups Inventory Limited Loginincentives Merch Messages Noscript Npc Overview Pets Quests Questscontent Rebirth Settings Spells Subscriber Tasks Habitica

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 258,167 3,069,885 18,566,860
Source 10,316 108,485 656,528
Approved 8% 21,958 6% 193,324 6% 1,163,635
Waiting for review 66% 171,521 62% 1,919,734 62% 11,617,198
Translated 78% 203,331 72% 2,220,156 72% 13,429,005
Needs editing 1% 4,823 3% 116,620 3% 738,520
Read-only 3% 9,852 3% 107,098 3% 648,172
Failing checks 10% 26,360 16% 500,071 16% 3,070,980
Strings with suggestions 1% 1,890 1% 23,170 1% 141,293
Untranslated strings 19% 50,013 23% 733,109 23% 4,399,335

Quick numbers

3,069 k
Hosted words
258 k
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
Language Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English This language is used for source strings. 0 0 0 0 4,440 0 94
Bulgarian 1,546 strings are not being translated here. 61% 3,414 48,290 292,535 3,121 307 34 14
Chinese (Simplified) 1,405 strings are not being translated here. 97% 191 4,703 27,825 131 35 23 256
Chinese (Traditional) 1,504 strings are not being translated here. 80% 1,682 30,244 181,241 1,451 238 8 7
Croatian 1,557 strings are not being translated here. 66% 2,934 46,546 281,907 2,709 355 401 0
Czech 1,511 strings are not being translated here. 69% 2,684 42,208 257,080 2,424 1,601 45 2
Danish 1,362 strings are not being translated here. 66% 3,031 44,526 269,543 2,802 762 40 9
Dutch 1,485 strings are not being translated here. 81% 1,636 26,649 161,005 1,436 511 120 7
English (United Kingdom) 1,565 strings are not being translated here. 84% 1,379 23,825 141,887 1,320 62 23 0
fa_IR (generated) (fa_IR) 10,137 strings are not being translated here. 2% 175 709 4,326 175 0 0 0
French 1,220 strings are not being translated here. 0 0 0 0 1 16 11
German 1,485 strings are not being translated here. 0 0 0 0 3 91 62
Hebrew 1,525 strings are not being translated here. 53% 4,109 58,768 355,307 3,845 957 29 6
hi_IN (generated) (hi_IN) 10,137 strings are not being translated here. 8% 163 695 4,242 162 0 0 0
Hungarian 1,564 strings are not being translated here. 65% 3,058 46,056 278,234 2,851 575 51 3
Indonesian 1,551 strings are not being translated here. 85% 1,236 19,922 119,445 1,105 586 3 56
Italian 1,497 strings are not being translated here. 87% 1,082 19,943 121,218 917 168 34 33
Japanese 1,246 strings are not being translated here. 95% 379 6,370 38,140 334 45 66 0
Korean 1,449 strings are not being translated here. 66% 2,960 46,010 278,627 2,724 2,586 60 2
Polish 1,532 strings are not being translated here. 71% 2,460 42,002 252,887 2,244 601 97 4
Portuguese 1,556 strings are not being translated here. 72% 2,435 41,236 251,493 2,206 570 73 5
Portuguese (Brazil) 1,254 strings are not being translated here. 95% 446 8,045 47,699 381 87 51 64
Romanian 1,524 strings are not being translated here. 69% 2,688 39,753 240,631 2,487 3,592 7 0
Russian 1,513 strings are not being translated here. 93% 605 10,886 65,242 563 50 197 15
Serbian 1,560 strings are not being translated here. 58% 3,622 51,401 311,640 3,157 3,344 97 0
Slovak 1,564 strings are not being translated here. 61% 3,333 49,024 296,927 3,043 2,618 10 0
Spanish 1,461 strings are not being translated here. 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Spanish (Latin America) 1,482 strings are not being translated here. 81% 1,660 27,652 167,274 1,454 210 34 4
Swedish 1,495 strings are not being translated here. 65% 3,064 46,524 282,788 2,803 1,764 209 17
Turkish 1,543 strings are not being translated here. 67% 2,816 42,021 254,284 2,633 233 64 0
Ukrainian 1,399 strings are not being translated here. 82% 1,594 25,721 154,428 1,535 59 7 5
User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added

Habitica / BackgroundsPortuguese (Brazil)

Browse all project changes
User avatar SabreCat

New announcement


Version management logistics for the upcoming Subscriptions changes led to some recent translations being rolled back. Edits that appear in the following GitHub commits may need to be re-entered:

Commit 1 - French, German, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America) Commit 2 - French only Commit 3 - Portuguese (Brazil) only

Thank you for your efforts and for your patience with this issue! -- Kalista (SabreCat)

2 months ago
User avatar beffymaroo

New announcement


Hello Linguists! Don't forget that you can apply to receive in-game rewards and titles for your translation work! Check out the Info tab for your project and scroll down to "How are contributor tiers awarded for translation?" to learn more.

a year ago
User avatar saraolson

New announcement


In an effort to create a more consistent experience for Habitica players, we have begun narrowing the focus of the translation projects. We’ve selected 29 languages to support across each platform. Any languages removed during this process will be archived on our GitHub repository.

Supported languages: English, English (UK), Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

a year ago
Browse all project changes