Project website | github.com/habitRPG/habitica |
Instructions for translators | Habitica’s translations are done by our community of contributors from around the world!Are you fluent in a language and want to contribute? Here are some instructions and common questions to introduce you to Habitica’s community translation process.How is Habitica’s text translated? Translatable text is called a string. Source strings are provided in English, uploaded to translate.habitica.com, then translated into different languages for web, Android, and iOS by contributors. Approved translations will populate to the platforms they were submitted to after periodic updates by the Habitica team. This usually happens about once a month for the web version, or alongside mobile milestone releases for Android and iOS. How do I contribute translations?
The translation platform we use, Weblate, also has more in depth guidance on how to use the platform in their documentation. How do translations stay consistent? How do I change a translation that’s already been reviewed? What are the symbols I see in translatable text? How do I collaborate with other translators? Who do I contact if I’m having issues with the translation site? I don’t see my language listed for all platforms, or at all? What role does the Habitica team play in translation? How are contributor tiers awarded for translation? Tiers for help with translation are awarded:
If you meet these conditions, complete the Translation Badge Application form to let us know about your contribution. Tier requests are usually processed once every month and are awarded at the Habitica team’s discretion based on translation quality, complexity, and time spent. How do I become a reviewer for my language?
If you meet these conditions, complete the Translation Reviewer Application form and reach out to us at <admin@habitica.com> to let us know you’d like to become a reviewer for a specific language. After reviewing, a member of our team will reach out to you with our decision. Most important of all, have fun! These translations make Habitica accessible to a wider variety of people and we're extremely thankful for that. Habitica helps players improve their lives every day and we hope offering more languages will help even more people achieve their goals. |
Project maintainers |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Translation process |
Translation license | Proprietary |
Source code repository |
Repository branch | develop |
Last remote commit |
Private Messages: improve "scrollToBottom" logic
negue authored 5 days ago |
Last commit in Weblate |
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Weblate authored 23 hours ago |
Weblate repository |
File mask | website/common/locales/*/faq.json |
Monolingual base language file | website/common/locales/en/faq.json |
String statistics
Strings percent | Hosted strings | Words percent | Hosted words | Characters percent | Hosted characters | |
Total | 7,103 | 217,044 | 1,276,190 | |||
Source | 245 | 7,501 | 44,104 | |||
Approved | 3% | 266 | 3% | 8,531 | 3% | 49,987 |
Waiting for review | 32% | 2,305 | 32% | 69,399 | 32% | 407,600 |
Translated | 39% | 2,816 | 39% | 85,431 | 39% | 501,691 |
Needs editing | 2% | 171 | 4% | 9,653 | 4% | 53,782 |
Read-only | 3% | 245 | 3% | 7,501 | 3% | 44,104 |
Failing checks | 3% | 265 | 6% | 14,790 | 6% | 83,853 |
Strings with suggestions | 1% | 135 | 2% | 4,887 | 2% | 27,939 |
Untranslated strings | 57% | 4,116 | 56% | 121,960 | 56% | 720,717 |
Quick numbers
Trends of last 30 days
![]() New translation Habitica / Faq — Indonesian |
![]() New translation Habitica / Faq — Indonesian |
![]() New contributor Habitica / Faq — Indonesian |
New contributor
![]() New translation |
![]() New translation |
![]() New translation |
![]() New translation |
![]() Translation changed |
![]() Translation changed |
![]() Translation changed |
Your class also determines the Equipment that will be available to you for purchase in your Rewards, the Market, and the Seasonal Shop.
Here’s a rundown of each class to help you choose which one is best suited to your playstyle:
#### **Warrior**
* Warriors deal high damage to bosses and have a high chance of critical hits when completing tasks, rewarding you extra Experience and Gold.
* Strength is their primary stat, raising the damage they do.
* Constitution is their secondary stat, lowering the damage they take.
* Warriors' skills buff their Party mates' Constitution and Strength.
* Consider playing as a Warrior if you love to fight bosses but also want some protection if you miss tasks occasionally.
#### **Healer**
* Healers have high defense and can heal themselves as well as their Party mates.
* Constitution is their primary stat, increasing their heals and lowering the damage they take.
* Intelligence is their secondary stat, increasing their Mana and Experience.
* Healers' skills make their tasks less red and buff their Party mates' Constitution.
* Consider playing as a Healer if you miss tasks often and need the ability to heal yourself or your Party members. Healers also level up quickly.
#### **Mage**
* Mages level up quickly, gain lots of Mana, and damage bosses in Quests.
* Intelligence is their primary stat, increasing their Mana and Experience.
* Perception is their secondary stat, increasing their Gold and item drops.
* Mages' skills freeze their task streaks, restore their Party mates' Mana, and buff their Intelligence.
* Consider playing as a Mage if you are motivated by progressing quickly through levels and contributing damage to boss Quests.
#### **Rogue**
* Rogues get the most item drops and Gold from completing tasks, and have a high chance of critical hits, getting even more Experience and Gold.
* Perception is their primary stat, increasing their Gold and item drops.
* Strength is their secondary stat, raising the damage they do.
* Rogues' skills help them dodge missed Dailies, pilfer Gold, and buff their Party mates’ Perception.
* Consider playing as a Rogue if you’re highly motivated by rewards.
Profesi kamu juga menentukan Peralatan yang tersedia untuk kamu beli di Hadiah, Pasar, dan Toko Musiman.
Berikut adalah ringkasan setiap profesi untuk membantumu memilih yang paling sesuai dengan gaya bermainmu:
#### **Prajurit**
Prajurit memberikan kerusakan tinggi pada bos dan memiliki peluang besar untuk serangan kritis saat menyelesaikan tugas, memberikanmu tambahan Pengalaman dan Emas.
Kekuatan adalah atribut utama mereka, meningkatkan kerusakan yang mereka berikan.
Konstitusi adalah atribut sekunder mereka, mengurangi kerusakan yang mereka terima.
Keterampilan Prajurit meningkatkan Konstitusi dan Kekuatan anggota Party mereka.
Pertimbangkan bermain sebagai Prajurit jika kamu suka melawan bos tetapi juga menginginkan perlindungan jika sesekali melewatkan tugas.
#### **Penyembuh**
Penyembuh memiliki pertahanan tinggi dan dapat menyembuhkan diri sendiri serta anggota Party mereka.
Konstitusi adalah atribut utama mereka, meningkatkan penyembuhan dan mengurangi kerusakan yang mereka terima.
Kecerdasan adalah atribut sekunder mereka, meningkatkan Mana dan Pengalaman mereka.
Keterampilan Penyembuh mengurangi tingkat keparahan tugas dan meningkatkan Konstitusi anggota Party mereka.
Pertimbangkan bermain sebagai Penyembuh jika kamu sering melewatkan tugas dan membutuhkan kemampuan untuk menyembuhkan diri sendiri atau anggota Party-mu. Penyembuh juga naik level dengan cepat.
#### **Penyihir**
Penyihir naik level dengan cepat, mendapatkan banyak Mana, dan memberikan kerusakan pada bos dalam Misi.
Kecerdasan adalah atribut utama mereka, meningkatkan Mana dan Pengalaman mereka.
Persepsi adalah atribut sekunder mereka, meningkatkan Emas dan peluang mendapatkan Barang.
Keterampilan Penyihir memungkinkan mereka membekukan jejak tugas, memulihkan Mana anggota Party mereka, dan meningkatkan Kecerdasan.
Pertimbangkan bermain sebagai Penyihir jika kamu termotivasi oleh kemajuan cepat dalam level dan ingin berkontribusi dalam memberikan kerusakan pada bos dalam Misi.
#### **Perampok**
*Perampok mendapatkan Barang dan Emas paling banyak dari menyelesaikan tugas serta memiliki peluang tinggi untuk serangan kritis, yang memberikan lebih banyak Pengalaman dan Emas.
*Persepsi adalah atribut utama mereka, meningkatkan Emas dan peluang mendapatkan Barang.
*Kekuatan adalah atribut sekunder mereka, meningkatkan kerusakan yang mereka berikan.
*Keterampilan Perampok membantu mereka menghindari hukuman akibat Keseharian yang terlewat, mencuri Emas, dan meningkatkan Persepsi anggota Party mereka.
*Pertimbangkan bermain sebagai Perampok jika kamu sangat termotivasi oleh hadiah.